Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m.
Please join us either in-person or on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 127 591 875 or by phone: 301-715-8592 or 253-215-8782.
Bible Study
It is not too late to join our study. Mondays, 9:30am in Fellowship Hall or on Zoom: Meeting ID: 127 591 875 or by phone: 301-715-8592 or 253-215-8782. The study is on The Sermon on the Mount. These challenging words provide us with a road map for living as God would have us live.
Friday Night Fellowship – February 7, 6:00 – 6:00 pm
Join us February 7, 6:00 – 8:00 for a potluck supper at The Anchor Church. We will be making “Heart-Felt” treat bags for local first responders. The theme is “RED” (thinking Valentine’s Day). Please sign up in Fellowship Hall or call the church office.
Forest Grove Presbyterian Church is seeking a Director of Music
The Director of Music administers and produces all aspects of music in coordination with the pastor and members of the worship & music committee. This would include recruitment, training, and leading a varied ministry of music for the congregation in harmony with the church’s mission statement. This is a part-time, 12 hour per week position. Please click this link for the position description and job requirements.