Forest Grove Church has a rich history of lasting friendships, loving hands, and strong faith. We are a community of those whose families have attended for generations as well as those who attended for the first time just last week. We pray together, grieve together, and enjoy fellowship together. We look forward to the opportunity to welcome you in worship on Sunday morning.
Our Staff
Susan Fall – Pastor
Susan Fall, a native of Pittsburgh, became the pastor of Forest Grove Presbyterian Church in November, 2010. She previous served as the Associate Pastor of the Pennington Presbyterian Church, NJ for 20 years. She also served as the Associate Pastor of the Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cherry Hill, NJ for 6 years. Su has a strong commitment to mission, families and children. She has initiated several new mission opportunities including The Church Has Left the Building where one Sunday in the fall, the congregation suspends their Sunday morning schedule allowing all to engage in many different arranged mission projects. She has worked to bring the generations together in worship, mission and fellowship.
Su received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Purdue University in 1980 and her M. Div. degree from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1983. She has three grown children and three grandchildren.
Leanne Yerkes – Director of Music
Leanne has been a member of Forest Grove Church for over 25 years serving with Christian Education, the Children’s Choir, and as an Elder. A lifelong passion for piano and choral work led her to become director of the choirs here at Forest Grove.
Leanne is a teacher in the Central Bucks School District and has 3 grown children.
Susan Flanagan – Office Administrator
Susan joined the staff at Forest Grove in 2018. She enjoys working part-time supporting the staff as well as keep track of the many details that keep the office running smoothly.
She provides support to any member of the congregation, the committee chairs, and the church leadership as needed. She enjoys getting to know and serve all of the church members, all of whom she finds friendly, giving, and interesting. In Susan’s personal time, she enjoys her family, friends and making hand knit purses.
Frank Orzehoski – Treasurer
Mark Lempp – Grounds Keeper
The Session is the governing council of the church and is composed of ruling elders elected by the congregation and the teaching elders (or ministers) of the church. Together, they excercise leadership, governance, and oversight for the life of the congregation and actively participate in the work of the larger church locally and beyond.
Current Session members:
Beth Conti, Pat Gessner, Terry Holton, Donna Jencks, Michael Myers Sharon Ruth, Bill Wark, Maggie Rash – Clerk of Session
Our Deacons are men and women chosen by the congregation who are committed to witnessing to the community-building love of Jesus Christ by nurturing the bonds of fellowship within the congregation, caring for those in the congregation and community with special needs, offering intercessory prayers every Sunday after worship, and preparing the sanctuary each Sunday for worship.
• Visit and periodically deliver flowers to the sick and homebound
• Provide meals to those who are recovering from surgery or illness
• Provide a reception following a Memorial Service
• Provide emergency financial assistance to church and community members who contact the church for help with essentials such as medical, utility and car repair bills
• Pray for the welfare of those in need
Current Deacons:
Pastor Su Fall, Marilyn Cook, Missi Dell’Orefice, Rachel Dell’Orefice Dee Tori, Gerry Stemplewicz